Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Robert Altman

It was great to see Altman accepting his lifetime achievement Oscar the other night. Though I still have yet to see many of his key movies, I've enjoyed all the ones I have seen (though I admit to having been underwhelmed by Nashville; I know, I know, I should see it again...).

girish, posting as part of the Robert Altman Blog-A-Thon, makes me really want to see one of his early films, That Cold Day in the Park. Intriguingly, he suggests it as part of a 'loose “female subjectivity” trilogy, later to include Images and 3 Women'. I've seen and loved 3 Women, and I look forward to the others.

I may revise and post something I wrote a year or two ago that in part involved my reaction to 3 Women (chiefly a personal response to the content, not much of a look at the form).

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